These conference papers and presentations give an indication of the sorts of themes and issues in which I have an interest.
‘Ludwig Feuerbach’s Theological Contribution‘ (November 2018)
St. John’s College Video Timeline Project
Conference presentations
‘Neither Essential, Nor Accidental: Sin in a relational and apocalyptic‘
Conference paper at the American Academy of Religion (Nov 2020)
‘A Wooden Metaphor? The Cross and the Lynching Tree’
Conference paper at the American Academy of Religion (Nov 2018)
‘From Faith to Unbelief in Feuerbach’s Reading of Luther’
Conference paper at the Society for the Study of Theology (Apr 2018)
‘Theology’s Munus Triplex: Theology among the sciences’
Institut für Hermeneutik und Dialog der Kulturen (Apr 2017)
‘Karl Barth: A Theologian Particularly for Pastors’
Paper delivered at the “Barth for Pastors” conference (Mar 2016)
The Church’s Word or the Word’s Church: Is There a Difference?
Conference paper at the Society for the Study of Theology (Apr 2015)
A Damnable Silence: Barth on the Necessity of Theological Speech
Conference paper at the Society for the Study of Theology (Apr 2014)