This week’s installment of Four for Friday is all videos. As is becoming more and more my custom – minimal comments, just the goods.
I like it.
Your new favorite musician.
So very good.
In the words of Ian Cron, “How are humans not extinct?
Taido J. Chino, Ph.D.
This week’s installment of Four for Friday is all videos. As is becoming more and more my custom – minimal comments, just the goods.
I like it.
Your new favorite musician.
So very good.
In the words of Ian Cron, “How are humans not extinct?
Sorry, missed a week or two of Four for Friday. I know you’re life has been empty and hollow as a result. If you need to blame someone, blame Suzanne Collins. You’ve probably never heard of her, but she has written a relatively obscure trilogy that you might find interesting.
Ok, on to the music….
Lana Del Rey – National Anthem // I’m not familiar enough with Ms. Del Rey to know if this is meant to genuinely reflect her own beliefs or if it is a cultural critique. Surely it is the latter.
The Lumineers – Ho Hey (Fuel Session) // Hard not to like this song. Looking forward to their album release sometime in March.
Buxton – Boy of Nine // This is like lots of music I listen to (The Head and The Heart, Seryn, Typhoon) which is why I like it.
White Denim – Street Joy // From their wiki page… White Denim is a four-piece rock band from Austin, Texas. Their music draws influence from dub, psychedelic rock, blues, punk rock, progressive rock, soul, jazz, experimental rock with home-based recording, jamming approach, intense looping work and unusual song structures. Not sure what any of that means.