Just returned from a week-long spring retreat in Colorado where efforts to post daily were stymied on all fronts. So as a way of explaining my lack of posting, I’ll enumerate the obstacles I faced.
1) No wi-fi at the camp. Now, I shouldn’t have been thwarted by this due to the iPhone’s capability to get ‘online’ wherever there is cell coverage. However…
2) Marginal cell coverage at camp. If I went outside and stood in the center of camp with my arm raised high, sometimes I would get a bar. Standing in the middle of camp with my arms in the air tapping out a post would have been both tiring and embarrassing.
3) Every waking moment consumed entirely with “camp”. I shouldn’t be such a whiner. My only two official roles at camp were camp speaker and small group leader. There are certainly times when I’ve also been the camp director, cook, skit guy, etc… Nonetheless, there were never any stretches of time where I was sitting around saying, “ahh… a whole half hour to do nothing but reflect and type.”
4) All creative energy poured into preparing to speak. Going into camp, I had fairly solid ideas about what I was going to speak about, but all the material needed massaging and refining. To say that my thoughts were a little preoccupied with what I was going to share would be something of an understatement.
However, the good news is that the week-long adventure certainly provided a wealth of blog worthy material. So join me this week as I recount the fun, the anecdotes, the laughter, the tears, the transformation, all the things that make camp what it is… THE BEST WEEK EVER!
p.s. I lied about obstacle number 1. There was wi-fi. But I didn’t discover it until the last day. I’m thinking that was probably for the best. The last thing I needed to be doing was spending a precious hour of “camp-time” trying to come up with something to say.
WHAT!? There was wifi? And my husband didn’t manage to find it?
crazy, right??
bryan must be slipping.
Nope. Bryan is now crying.
clearly you didn’t reach high enough brian…