…people should listen.
Elvis Perkins – While You Were Sleeping
I not only read the Bible. I also read books about the Bible. But in ultimate nerd fashion, I also read books about reading the Bible.
And this morning, I came across this quote from Richard Foster’s Life with God: Reading the Bible for Spiritual Transformation:
“In seeking to discover this with-God life it is helpful to read the Bible in four distinct ways. First, we read the Bible literally. Reading from cover to cover, internalizing its life-giving message. By reading the whole of Scripture, we begin to apprehend its force and power. We enter into the original dynamics and drama of Scripture: struggling with Abraham over the offering up of the son of promise…”
It goes on, but the example of Abraham and Isaac is as far as we’ve read so far. There are three other “distinct ways” to read the Bible, but you’ll need to read the book to get those.
Never fear. I’m certain that I’ll be sharing other nuggets of wisdom as I come across them.
well, I don’t know if I’m doing anything else, but struggling? yes, that I am doing…