… Aspen.
During our Colorado tour, we got to spend several days in this pretentious (yet lovely) mountain town. I’ve been to Aspen four times now, and every trip has left a lasting impression. My first time was nearly twenty years ago during a winter trip for a couple days of skiing. It happened to be Gay Pride Week which meant that my traveling companion and I sat as far apart as a ski lift chair will allow.
Time two was with half a dozen or so would be mountain climbers. The trip was in mid-September which apparently is a fairly unpredictable time as far as weather is concerned. I can’t do justice to the catastrophe that followed, so if you are curious ask my friend Josh all about it.
My third time there was another climbing trip. This time with a far more positive outcome. There were four of us, and we tackled some of the most challenging 14er climbs Colorado has to offer.
This latest trip there was far more laid back, but equally enjoyable. Here are the photos to prove it.
Aspen is notoriously expensive, but with a little meal planning and some the help of Difficult Campground, it can be done on the cheap.