This page is mainly meant to be a collection of online Barth resources for my own research, but I figured that I may as well share it with the world wide web. If you are aware of other resources, by all means let me know.
Barth’s Wikipedia Page // Just in case you don’t know how to work the internet, here’s his wiki page. If you are simply looking for a very quick intro to his life and thought, this isn’t the worst way to spend fifteen minutes.
The Digital Karl Barth Library // (Membership Required) This has a collection of lots of Barth’s writing in digital format. The Church Dogmatics are there in English and German. Of course, the great benefit of this is not only having access via any internet connected device, but that you can do text searches. If you aren’t a part of a subscriber institution, then you’re out of luck.
Barth Literature Search Project // This is essentially an online bibliography for primary and secondary sources. An extremely helpful and comprehensive resource for anyone doing work on Barth. – Karl Barth // If you don’t know about this website, you are really missing out. It is a fantastic resource for all things ‘theology’. In a sense, it is an online bibliography, but it has a fair number of articles either in .pdf or links to other sites. Its sister-sites ( and are also as impressive. Consider making a donation to support the good work that Mr. Bradshaw is doing.
Karl Barth’s Library // This is a little misleading. You obviously aren’t transported into Barth’s library. However, if you are interested in seeing and searching what was in his library, you can search by entering “KBA” (Karl Barth Archives) followed by whatever keyword you are interested in (e.g. ‘Ritschl’ or ‘election’) to see what he had on the shelf. Then in theory, you could actually turn up at the archives in Basel (housed in his home) and flip through his personal copy of Calvin or whatever. Pretty nerdy stuff.
Die Evangelischen Theologen // This site has a nice collection of essays on various Barth related issues. They were produced in an online ‘conference’ format for a few years. I would love to see them resume this series. Links // This one takes you to a list of research centers and societies on Barth.