take ten: castle bluff videos

One of the things that keeps me from blogging is that I feel like every time I put something up, it needs to be great. The sad reality is that whether I spend a couple hours or a couple minutes, greatness is rarely achieved. So here’s a stab at something new… take ten. The goal… take ten minutes to get something on the screen and then I’m done. If I don’t finish in ten, then it waits until the next time. Installment one… sharing the various Castle Bluff videos from our previous two camps.

At camp, we usually show a short video as students are gathering in the meeting space. They are often dumb, sometimes amazing, occasionally humorous. Without futher ado, here they are…

A capella Gangnam style:

Manly men rapping:

It is amazing what human beings can do:

A Star Wars and Motocross mashup:

I like skiing:

A few extras:

Outtakes from the crazy bike video:

Bottles beware:

Can’t get enough Gangnam:

Here’s to sub-par blogging. See you soon.




summer revisited // D-Camp

A few days ago, I promised a recap of the summer and so we are forging ahead. One week after returning from Honduras, we jumped into a fleet of vans and headed to Castle Bluff for a four day weekend with 80 middle schoolers. D-Camp is something of an annual tradition where we take a “smaller” group of students away for a few days to stretch them spiritually in a way that is different from our more outreach oriented fall weekends.

Sadly, I can’t find any pictures of the weekend. Not one. The options here are A) I didn’t take any pictures all weekend long, or B) I have “misplaced” them. I think I know where they are, but they aren’t handy right this second. So instead, I’ll share a few choice videos from the weekend. They aren’t videos of the weekend. Rather, they are videos we showed during the weekend. They typically aren’t meant to be all that meaningful. Usually these short videos are meant to inject a bit of humor into the weekend. I’ll let you be the judge of that.

I believe most everyone on the planet has seen this one. It has middle school humor written all over it.

Speaking of middle school humor, the laughs just keep coming with this series of talking animals.

This one is fascinating. To see the transformation of a human being from birth to 12 year old in a matter of seconds can provide an opportunity for reflection for fellow tweens. However, middle schoolers aren’t especially known for being reflective.

Spoken word has it’s time and place. I think D-Camp can be one of them.

Next up on Summer Revisted… Family Vacation.

what she said

Yesterday, I had only thought that I had sunk to a blogging low.  Tonight, I’m setting the bar on the ground.  Alison has written a post on Castle Bluff camps that is so good that I’m counting it for both of us.

I’m even stealing her photos…  which I think is ok, because she stole them from Whitney.

You should head over there right now and read it.

the bluff

Crazy, I know!  Two posts in one day.  Maybe I do have a blog.

Highlights from the most recent trip to Castle Bluff with high school students.  Enjoy!